My three-year-old son had begun to outgrow his first little bicycle. I decided to take my kids out just to LOOK at new bikes and see how much they might cost.
I began to back the van out of the garage and suddenly heard a startling thump. I stopped, jumped out of the van, and looked behind it. My son's little bike was now partially under the back bumper, slightly twisted but clearly beyond repair. Suddenly our trip was no longer about LOOKING for a new bike; we needed to BUY a new bike.
At the time I mentally gave myself the "Bad Dad of the Day" award. Now that I look back I just laugh (my kids laugh too).
Fellow fathers, let's be honest: we are imperfect parents! We make all kinds of mistakes. Can we offer grace to ourselves to confess the mistakes of yesterday (or even just a few minutes ago) and start again with a renewed commitment to be the best fathers we can be?